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Commerce7 makes it easy to provide customers with the best shopping experience possible, regardless of channel. Commerce7 provides features for Point of Sale, Clubs & Subscriptions, Ecommerce, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Reservations.

Vinsight integrates with Commerce7 enabling you to track and analyse your Commerce7 data within Vinsight. Commerce7 orders automatically generate a Sales Order in Vinsight and automatically deplete Vinsight inventory.

In this document:


Integrating with Vinsight

Go to Add-ons in the Settings > Setup area.  Click the ‘Setup’ Button next to the Commerce7 logo.


Commerce7 is a paid addon, so on the next screen use the button to apply for and accept the billing charges.

Connecting to Commerce7

Follow the tests here: https://docs.vinsight.net/connecting-to-commerce7 to connect to Commerce7, then return to this article to configure your other settings.

Importing Sales from Commerce7 to Vinsight

How to Fulfill Orders

Here you can specify how you want Vinsight to treat the orders imported from Commerce7.

Automatic Despatch:  Choose this option if you want Vinsight to automatically create a despatch note, deplete the relevant stock and close the order.

Close no movements:  Choose this option if you simply want a record of the sale(s) in Vinsight but do not want to despatch the order from Vinsight stock.

Leave open:  With this option, the orders will be brought into Vinsight as open orders.  You can then manually despatch them as required.

Default Stock Location Code

This is an optional setting that will fill in the Stock Location Code on an incoming order.   However, this field is required if you have selected ‘Automatic Despatch’ above, as it determines which Stock Location Vinsight draws inventory down from when Commerce7 orders are fulfilled.


Any categories added here will be automatically applied to new Commerce7 orders.   If your Commerce7 site has been directly connected to Xero and you want to stop the Commerce7 orders in Vinsight from posting to Xero, you should add  xero:ignore as a category here.

Default Customer:

When we have to create a new customer from importing an order from Commerce7, the new customer will have the same attributes (such as categories or Revenue Ledgers) as this selected customer.

Keep Contacts Updated:

When this option is turned on, Vinsight will update it’s own contact records with any changes to Customer information found in Commerce7, when they place an order.

Zero Rated Tax Rate:

This is the rate that will be applied if we have to pick a Zero rated tax rate for things like rounding e.g.  Zero, GST-Free, GST-Exempt.

Optional – Match existing Products from Commerce7 to Vinsight

You may want to ‘Match’ your Vinsight stock items to those in Commerce7 in advance. However this is not necessary to get started, as matches can also be done later on, when orders are flowing through from Commerce7 to Vinsight.

Click the ‘Match Stock Items’ button.   This will take you to a list that shows your Commerce7 Stock Items on the left and potential Vinsight Stock Item Matches on the right.


To Match to a Vinsight

stock item click on the ‘Match’ tab and select the Vinsight Stock Item from the drop down list, then click ‘OK’.

If a matching Vinsight Stock Item does not yet exist click the ‘Create’ tab, select the Unit of Measure from the options provided (or select a new unit of measure by clicking ‘Extra settings’) and  create a new Vinsight Stock Item from this page.

Matching new products, or as orders come in

If Commerce7 sends Vinsight an order with unmatched products on it, Vinsight will still import the order and you will see a new tab appear in your Sales Orders list, “Unmatched”:

From this tab, you can open the Sales Order up and you will see some of the line items show with a new button “Match Stock Item”. Clicking this button will start the matching process for the incoming product. Once a product has been matched, all other unmatched orders with the same incoming product will automatically be updated too, and the match will be remembered for next time so you only have to do this once per unique product.





To be immediately notified of failed imports, put your email address into the ‘Email Failed Attempts’ text field.

This will enable you to quickly identify (and hopefully rectify) any issues with the imports.


You will also be able to view Recent Activity in the Configuration.  In the following image, the Recent Activity Log indicates that an attempted import failed as the Commerce7 stock item “19PTCH’  was not matched to a Stock Item in Vinsight, and provides a link to where you will need to go to fix this issue.

This log will help you identify any issues you are having with your Commerce7 imports.


Taxes not coming through as expected:

Vinsight only replicates the sales taxes that Commerce7 is using. If you do not have your sales tax like GST, VAT or HST setup in Commerce7 then you must go and fix that first in Commerce7.