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Quick Start Guide – Brewery

Time to Get Brewing . . .

New to Vinsight?  Follow these simple steps to start growing your business with our great App.

There are many ways that you could configure your data and set up Vinsight.  However, the steps below encompass our best advice for getting going quickly and efficiently.  You’ll have plenty of opportunity to enter your day to day data in Vinsight going forward.  However we recommend that you make use of our spreadsheet importers and helpful example templates whenever you can, in order to get your current data into the App in the quickest and most consistent way.

Company Settings

First input your Company Settings as follows:

  • Set up Company Name, Address & Logo
  • Customize Invoice footers.
  • Culture Settings – Set Default Language to ensure correct format for currency, dates and times.
  • Unit Settings – Set default units of volume, length and weight
  • For more detailed instructions see Company Settings Help Page

This will ensure that the Reports, Invoices and Orders you will create in the App are formatted correctly and properly reflect your company details.

As you go forward you can add contacts individually within the App.  However, when first starting to use the App, you are likely to have multiple contacts to add and it is far quicker and easier to put the necessary information into a spreadsheet and import it in bulk.


Next import any contacts that you buy products from or sell products to:

  • Go to ‘Contacts‘.
  • Click ‘Import’ to download a Contacts Spreadsheet.
  • Input or copy your Contact Information into this Spreadsheet
  • Upload the Spreadsheet into Vinsight.  (For detailed instructions see How to Import Data.)
  • See Contacts Help Page for more details

Current Batches (Work In Progress)

Quantities of Batches are contained in Vessels.  This is where you input details of your current work in progress (e.g. quantity or volume of unfinished juice, wine or tea in containers such as tanks, barrels etc.).

  • Go to ‘Vessels‘ in the Settings > Make area.
  • Click ‘Import’ to download a Vessels Spreadsheet.
  • Input or copy your Vessels information into this spreadsheet.
  • Upload the Spreadsheet into Vinsight.
  • For assistance in completing and uploading Spreadsheet see Importing Vessels.
  • See Vessels (Brewery) Help Page  and Batches (Brewery) Help Page for more information regarding details required.

When creating batch and vessel codes, be consistent and use codes that will ensure the batch or vessel is readily identifiable.  For example code ‘IPA-2018-05’ could identify the 5th IPA of the batch created in 2018.  Try and keep your codes concise, as you can always add more information in the ‘Description’.

Again, with codes, keep them logical and concise and use the ‘Description’ field for expanded versions of the codes.  Consider using similar prefixes for similar items to make them easy to search for e.g  LBL-IPA-330 for bottle labels.  This way whenever you are looking for labels you can search for LBL and be given all of the options.

Finished Goods/ Dry Goods/ Additives

All of these types of inventory are referred to as Stock Items.  They encompass process additives, packaging and finished items.  Set different attributes to identify whether you can sell or purchase the item, its tax liabilities and whether you want to track its inventory levels.

  • Go to Stock Items in the ‘Settings’ area of the ‘Orders and Inventory’ tab.
  • Click ‘Import’ to download a Stock Items spreadsheet.
  • Input or copy your Stock Item information into this spreadsheet.
  • Upload the Spreadsheet into Vinsight.
  • For more information regarding details required see Stock Items Help Page and Stock Items – Brewery Examples.

Brew Recipes / Create a Brew or Mash

Creating a new brew or mash for a particular type of beer or spirit will often involve a repeating the same grains, hops and additives.  Record these as a recipe  for each type of beer or mash you ferment.

  • Go to Operation Types in the Settings > Make area.
  • Create a ‘New’ operation and input your recipe.  See Creating a Brew  for detailed information on how to do this.
  • You can now use your recipe to make a brew by going to  Bulk Operations in the Make area and selecting your recipe from the Op Code drop down list.

If you set up a recipe, every time you use this recipe to create a brew or mash, the pre-set ingredients will automatically appear as additions and the App will calculate the quantity of each ingredient required depending on the volume you are dealing with.