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Serial Port Settings for Specific Weighbridge Models

NB: Any information provided here is for informational purposes only. If you need help following any of these steps, please contact your Hardware Provider directly.

This document contains expected weighbridge output formats for different brands. It assumes you have a working connection between your weighbridge and your PC, and can see data streaming using the Putty software. You can follow instructions for setting up and troubleshooting the connection here.

You should be able to modify your hardware settings to produce an output that looks similar to one of the following formats. You can then contact Vinsight Support and request that they set up a weighbridge connection in your account.

GEC Avery Scales

GEC Avery Scales should output data in the following format:

US,NT,- 002485LB{CR}{LF}

ST = Stable
US = Unstable
GR = Gross
NT = Net
OL = Overload (or under range)
{CR} = Carriage Return Character
{LR} = Line Feed Character

There are always 8 characters to represent the numerical weight including the sign. 
The second weight character is blank if these is no decimal point. There is always a total of 18 characters except for Overload


N.B. If your scales are printing out values that are out by a multiple of 10, check that "High Resolution Mode" is turned off in the scale settings.

PT200 Scales

Scales following the PT200 format should output data in either of these two formats:

{STX}      30G{ETX}
{STX}      30G    kg{ETX}

{STX} = ASCII Control Character "Start Of Text" (hex value of 0x02, often displayed as ^B)
{ETX} = ASCII Control Character "End Of Text" (hex value of 0x03, often displayed as ^C)

Wedderburn Scales

Wedderburn Scales should output data in the following format:

Header Data CR Header Data CR Header Data CR LF
3 1234567 {CR} 0 -23456.8 {CR} 4 12345.78 {CR} {LF}

{CR} = Carriage Return Character
{LR} = Line Feed Character
Spaces are inserted for clarity, data coming from the scales should not contain any spaces.
Header values represent the following weights:
Header ID
Data Length
7 Characters
Net Weight
8 Characters (including minus and Decimal)
Gross Weight
8 Characters (including minus and Decimal)
Tare Weight
8 Characters (including minus and Decimal)
Weighing Times
7 Characters
Total Weight
9 Characters