Vinsight has importers to help you get your key inventory related data from Pastel into Vinsight. This document takes you through this process. It also provides a general set up overview when converting from Pastel to Xero.
In this document:
Importing Data From Pastel
Data can be bulk imported into Vinsight using Excel or CSV files. The data you will want to download from Pastel and import into Vinsight in this way are as follows:
- Inventory Items (Vinsight Stock Items importer)
- Customers and Suppliers (Vinsight Contacts importer)
- Customer Invoices (Vinsight Sales Order importer)
- Supplier Invoices (Vinsight Purchase Order importer)
You will need to review Pastel instructions or Help pages for specific information as to how to download the relevant information from that App into spreadsheets. We have found the following information online suggesting how to go about this process. The specific steps may differ depending on which version of Pastel you are running. However, hopefully it will give you an idea of the likely steps required and what is involved in the process.
Steps to Export Contacts and Inventory from Pastel:
- From the File Menu, choose Export/Import.
- Select Export Customer Accounts from the drop-down list.
- Save your file as a CSV.
- Repeat this process for your Supplier Accounts, choosing the ‘Export Supplier Accounts’ option.
- Repeat this process for your Inventory items.
Steps to export invoices from Pastel:
- From the View, Customers (or Suppliers), Monthly/ Periodic menu, choose the ‘Invoices Due’ option.
- Choose the Print to ASCII option.
- Click on OK and save the Invoices Due file.
Use Excel to convert this file into a csv format.
- Open Microsoft Excel
- Choose File > Open and select the Invoices Due file you downloaded.
- The Excel Text Import Wizard will open. Select the ‘Delimited’ option as the file type that best describes your data.
- Click the ‘Next’ button. Under ‘Delimiters’, select ‘Comma’
- Click ‘Next’ and then ‘Finish’
- Choose ‘Save As’ and choose the ‘csv format from the list of extensions offered.
Once you have this information downloaded into spreadsheets, you will need to get your files into a format that can be imported into Vinsight. The best way to do this is to download a copy of the relevant Vinsight import template and compare the headings there to the headings on the file you have downloaded.
For example, the Vinsight Contact template looks a little like this. . .
Do your best to convert your downloaded data into this format. This may require you to rename column headers to match those required by Vinsight.
Please note that Vinsight columns with a ‘*’ in the header are required columns. It is fine to leave individual cells or entire columns blank. You can edit or add to the information after it is uploaded. Any columns with headers that do not ‘exactly’ match the Vinsight templates will be ignored during the import.
This data can now be imported into Vinsight. The How to Import Data page has more detailed information on the Vinsight importing process.
Setting up Vinsight & Xero – What Goes Where . . .
- In Vinsight (and not Xero) import: Customers, Suppliers, Items, Unpaid Sales Orders (that match your Debtors/Accounts Receivable balance) and Unpaid Purchase Orders (that match your Creditors/Accounts Payable) at balance date.
- In Xero, create Account Ledgers for the following:
Current Assets:
- Finished Items
- If using a Vinsight production subscription then add these as well:
- Grower Dry Goods
- Production Dry Goods
- Packaging Dry Goods
- Bulk WIP
Revenue:- Three to four Revenue Ledgers to represent high level revenue performance. For example. . .
- Sales Wholesale
- Sales Direct to Consumer
- Sales Export
Expenses:- Cost of Goods Sold
- In Vinsight load the Asset Ledgers against your Stock Items and check the Standard Cost on each item.
- In Vinsight load the Revenue Ledgers and Cost of Goods Sold Expense Ledger against your Contact/Customer cards.
- In Vinsight do a Stock take so you have a correct quantity for each item. Then run a Stock On Hand by Ledger report to get a total value per Current Asset Ledger.
- In Vinsight, post the Unpaid Sales Orders and Unpaid Purchase Orders to Xero. These should match your Debtors/Accounts Receivable balance and Creditors/Accounts Payable balance.
- In Xero convert only your Current Conversion Balances, not Sales Orders, Purchase Orders and not Items. Ensure your conversion balances for you Current Asset Ledgers match the balances from the Vinsight Stock on Hand report.